LHPC Green Team
Annual Recycle/Shred Event
Our next annual event will take place on May 17, 2025 from 8 am to 12 noon.
Recycling - FREE! Rid your home of unwanted electronics (any condition), sporting goods, clothing, household items, toys & games, multimedia, books, and more!
Paper Shredding - $10 FIRST BOX; $5 EACH ADDITIONAL: Shred truck destroys your documents on-site. Staples, rubber bands, and paper clips okay; no binders or binder clips, please.
Hard Drive Shredding - $20 each Off-site destruction. Please remove from computer beforehand.
Lake Cleanup
Our fall lake cleanup at White Rock Lake was on Saturday, Oct. 5th. We picked up several bags of trash and found some interesting things. We will gather again next spring to help keep the "Jewel of Dallas" looking beautiful!
Click here to learn more about this ministry.